Sunday, March 11, 2012

In seminary there is no longer Bs and Cs, there is no longer Ds and Fs, there is no longer Pass or Fail; for all of you are A-students in Christ Jesus

Primarily, my article on grading standards, "Designing Seminary Expectation," is based on my experience teaching United Methodist History, Doctrine, and Polity and courses on Wesleyan history and theology.  What resources helped you develop your grading rubric?


Anonymous said...

LA, I enjoyed your article “Designing Seminary Expectations”– that grading rubric would have been very useful to me. Now that you are in Plattsmouth – are you having fun naming the challenges and designing the responses to the problems. I see from your March 5 blog - that the language is a challenge. Great Job – your neighbor at Hosanna.

Laura Felleman said...

Hi Neighbor, "Fun" in the sense that it's uplifting to feel God at work in the midst of challenges. I'm glad you found the rubric useful. What was the rubric used at your seminary?