Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lenten Devotion: Day Thirty-one

Judas plots with the chief priests and the officers of the temple police.  He agrees to betray Jesus, and they agree to pay him.  (Luke 22: 3-6)
(Stephanie Schweitzer Dixon, Executive Director of the Front Porch Coalition and Amber Sam, Project Director of the Sweetgrass Project interviewed on KEVN Black Hills Fox.)

Christ, we see the horrific evidence that alcohol abuse hurts more than the body.  It hurts everyone around the alcoholic.  It unravels the fabric of a community.  It breeds despair.  It is the opposite of your will for our lives.  Enabling this to continue is a betrayal of you.  Show us how to withdraw our support from the system that keeps the alcohol flowing uncontrolled.

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